
Welcome home,  is a website for Australian Chefs. There is a huge amount of information; including competitions, articles,  museum, history and more. If you believe information related to any one of the links below could be expanded or edited, please send the information to George Hill. I am extremely grateful for the many professional chefs, who have, over many years contributed to this site. Since its simple start over 20 years ago, and its sister sites have enjoyed hundreds of thousands of visitors. We still receive requests for information and direct the request to some part of salonculinaire. The original intention of salonculinaire is to be nonpartisan and advertisement free. This is still our policy. I also acknowledge my son Garry Hill from who has advised and kept the site alive over the time on his server.



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Welcome visitor no : 23214
Session 1:   One Hour

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Session 2:   One Hour

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Session 3:   One Hour

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Session 4:   One Hour

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Session 5:   One Hour

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Session 6:   One Hour

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Welcome visitor no : 23214 Registered participants:

Athol Wark * Belinda Clements * George Hill * Anthony Hoy * Gurpreet Singh *

Bernd Uber * Robert Ford * Dale Lyman * Daman Shrivastav * Deb Foreman *

Mahesh Dhakal * Frank Bohdan * George Hill * Martin Probst * Shayne Greenman *

Ev Griffin * Gurvinder Singh * James Crute * Jacqueline Bates * Jayson Smith *

Jeffrey Gear * Janet Monaghan * John Creegan * Julie Armstrong * Jason Wilkes *

Karen Doyle * Ken Yip * John Langford * Marcus Moore * Sarah Maric *

Mark Normoyle * Mark Clayton * Mark Yates * Mark Weatherley * Melinda Brown *

Murray Twaits * Nick Blackmore * Nicholas Cass * Paul Rifkin * Paul Schroder *

Paul Shay * Prakash Chand * Praveen Praveen * Renai Norman * Rhonda Andrews *

Richard Robinson * Sarah Maric * Scott Pickett * Stephen Tryon * Steven Mercer *

Suresh Vaidyanathan * Tom Milligan * Antony Rogalsky * Udo Eichelmann

Andrew Wisken * Stephen Lunn * Keith Jackson * Andrew Crispin

Registered Participants


Session 1:   One Hour

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Will the Australian Commercial kitchen culture change?- Wednesday 6th May 2.00 – 3.00 PM

• Andrew Wisken, AITC Registered Professional Chef – ACFV President
• Shane Greenman, AITC Registered Professional Chef – AND Commercial Chef & Chef Patisserie
• Martin Probst, AITC Registered Professional Chef – CEO Management consultant – Profound Leadership
• Richard Robinson – UQ Research Development Fellow – Tourism Discipline – The University of Queensland

Synopsis from session 1:

The tyrant chefs probably will not return
How long can the restaurants survive will depend on reasonable return to normal activity
Low margins will drive out those who used to only operate on passion?
Perfect time for chefs to up-skill in management skills right now
Training package needs a huge overall
We need a component in unit on mental health
Etiquette and Code of Conducts needs to be added to curriculum (George been trying to get this since 2010)
Is fine dining dead?
No more crowds
One in three restaurants will probably not survive
Restaurants will be unable to be “busy”
This reset is an opportunity that the industry needed
There will be a shift in supply and demand
New conditions will need to be set for suppliers
Celebrity chefs profile will diminish
Meal kits will be the next the next gig
Boxed mise-en- place and ingredients for home cookery
Need to educate clients why prices will increase
Educate the client to accept increases
To many cooks and not enough chefs
Long time before crowded restaurants
Restaurants will need a very high level of safety to operate
Expect prices to rise while wages  are expected to fall
A qualification will be important
Evidence of experience will be vital in the approaching competitive labor market
Restaurants will need to work on marketing trust
Trust will bring back clients not good food
Supervising chefs will need to learn to work work from the heart

Session 2:   One Hour

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What support and / or online resources will help cooks and chefs through this crisis? – Wednesday 13th May 3.00 – 4.00 PM


• Mark Normoyle, AITC Registered Professional Chef – Chef Consultant
• Shane Greenman, AITC Registered Professional Chef – AND Commercial Chef & Chef Patisserie
• Rhonda Andrews, Managing Director, Barrington Centre, Specialist psychological organisation, expert in critical incident management.
• Alan Orreal has 34 years of global culinary experience, Alan is, “Director of Culinary operations” at the Shanghai Disney Resort in China, who leads a culinary staff of 1,000, producing approximately 11 million meals per year.

Synopsis from session 2

Rhonda Andrews Resources for associations and businesses

Mark Normoyle Summary

Shane Greenman – Position and opinion paper

Alan Orreal Documents from China

Participants comments:

TikTok masterclasses worth watching
Lot of e-learning resourses – Commercial cookery, Management, business etc
Ensuring people can trust will be the new focus for the industry
Thank you everybody, looking forward to another gathering
Thank you all, excellent day and info sharing
Thank you for another great session.
Was absolutely terrific thanks all. take care and keep safe and well. SG
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.

Session 3:   One Hour

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Will membership of a professional association be a career asset for Australian chefs post Covid-19. And given the plethora of associations (currently in excess of nine legally constituted organisations and many more informal networks) should this crisis encourage the formation of one association? –Wednesday 27th May 3.00 – 4.00 PM


• Mark Normoyle, AITC Registered Professional Chef, ACF Member, Les Toques Member – Chef Consultant.
• Mark Weatherley, AITC Registered Professional Chef, Technical Innovation Manager, Corona Manufacturing Pty Ltd, 
• Marcus Moore – Director of F&B and Culinary Operations NagaWorld, Casino Cambodia. 
• Paul Rifkin Consultant Chef, 40 years kitchen experience, 30 years as a high profile Executive Chef

Summary of comments from participants Session 3

Amalgamated membership would enhance the power of our industry.
To make any national association successful I believe we would need professional management.
That is the way to make it sustainable
Australia hospitality operates with immigrated labour over years. I wonder if COVID would change some of the ways it is operated. Especially wage theft seems to be a reason for the decline of local participation
Where are the chefs associations when the shit hits the fan
Great points addressing the tough questions.
The change we need is to lobby education to change etc.. government, to make our profession professional-skills, accreditation to master level, form an association, guild to register qualifications, to bench mark our industry.
You got to make the chefs want to join an association!
Great point, it’s about the chefs!
 Its about professional chefs and professional standards
Every association has to agree to this!
It can’t continue to be about just competitions?
Should people have a choice to join. As stated Accountants have the associations.
Making them meet certain criteria.
That’s what AITC is about – AITC is not a chefs association per say,  but a registration board unfortunately has met with resistance from some from chefs and some chefs associations
A professional brainstorm and workshop is required to brutally look at this.
Need an outcome-set of values, benefits etc..
Exactly, there must be a good reason and benefits to join
Now is the perfect time to ask for help for chefs
Plenty of $$$ coming
“What’s in it for me” has to end, great point
Over 300000 commercial cooks in Oz, imagine the impact
Applause to that. Change is a good thing!
We need to learn how to change and go with it
A call to action is needed Have heard this for years but which association is going to start a brainstorm meeting
Thank you all for joining. It certainly put out some points. I guess it takes some delegation and motivation to start working together.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. Time to embrace change. If not now, then when?
This is not about individual association this is about the industry.
Correct, our future, our skills, and professional career pathway. We need to be united. Respect our profession,
One body and one message, yes please
Thank you all, great conversation and just what is needed to make change happen.
Who is going to arrange for a round table conference / consultant
 A call for action that previous attempts have failed
Suggest a letter from all associations that supports an independent consultant to convene and talk through issues in a round table conference of association members
 Needs to be outside the loop
Application of a combined grant
Fantastic points from everyone, a lot to think about

Session 4:   One Hour

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Is this the final curtain for chefs’ associations as they currently operate? Wednesday 3rd June 6.00 – 7.00 PM


Karen Doyle, National President Australian Culinary Federation, 
• Nick Blackmore, President Les Toques Blanches, ,
• Daman Shrivastav, President Australian Institute of TechnicalChefs,r.
• Andrew Wisken, President Australian Culinary Federation Victoria, 

President of ACF informed of  initiatives during the crisis.
ACF has initiated a change in its legal structure moving forward to change to become a National Organisation under a company structure
AITC has initiated Web pods Webcasts and new marketing strategies and will soon open a system where membership applications will be completely on line including application through to authorized, certified and recorded.
LTB reiterated it was a State driven social network however completely agreed that there was a need for an overview national body
ACF State made the point that there needs to be more practicing chefs involved
What a great turn out, that’s awesome!
Better communication is required between associations.
So important to be able to lobby 
All need to work together more and share one voice. especially with government.
We could all advertise together and share platforms but service our separate functions
Any associations get any government support?
How do you judge the competition without tasting the food?
Look at: Why not Hospitality?
We need to work with schools from yr. 9 as that is when subject selections happen.
We do need chefs to do events at schools – I have asking for help with this area for 10 yrs
This was a strategy in the mid 80s when the AGPC have over 650 members in Victoria alone
So, what are we gong to do about it? There MUST be a call for action and it is up to the presidents to act
Great comments – something has to change
I think we identified a lot of issues. It’s now time to run some sessions to look at solution based strategies to move forward from here with clear action steps.
Great comments all round, all valid and great to see us all unified on a way forward
Now we need to plan the next stage by being honest about the industry & explain the fulfillment that can be achieved. Absolutely

Session 5:   One Hour

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How could the pandemic reshape the operation of food-service ? What may we expect in the new normal industry; from a restaurant operator and a F&B manager’s perspective.? ALL ABOUT: NEW-NORMAL FOOD-SERVICE.


  • Steven Mercer, Owner Chef, Mercer’s Restaurant Eltham,
  • Scott Picket, Multiple award winning chef and restaurateur
  • Daniel Hiltbrunner, Chef Restaurateur at D&K Kitchen@Lark Hill Winery
  • Richard Maisano, Executive Chef/owner, Masani Italian Dining & terrace

Many extraordinary initiatives and lessons presented by four leading restaurant chefs.
These chefs obviously thrive on challenges – They quickly respond to change by identify the challenges and implementing initiatives to ensure continuing success.

Session 6:   One Hour

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How could the pandemic reshape the delivery of culinary education and other services? Wednesday 17th June 2.00 – 3.00 PM


  • Sarah Maric, AITC Registered Professional Chef, Copperfield College,
  • Ry Cunningham, R/Head Teacher at TAFE. NSW – Chef, – Technical and Further Education
  • Keith Jackson “AVTES”  Australian Vocational Training and Employment Services – Specialist Workplace Trainer Assessor 20 years plus  Professional Chef 
  • Stephen Lunn, ACF President Tasmania, Tourism & Hospitality Industry Reference Committee

Sarah Maric:

  • The initial impact of Covid 19 on education was sudden and dramatic but the system was prepared
    for it, immediately we moved to online education from home.
  • Work placement shut but we are looking to get students in placements before school ends
  • Limited exposure so far to workplace expectations behaviours, adult environments work
    ethics and industry standards.
  • Online learning exposed the students to the need to be self- reliant and self -motivated.
  • 30-50% same or improved
  • 50-70% found the online challenging for various reasons- multiple internet parents and kids,
    no computer access, WIFI broad band width, Students required support to obtain
  • Reteaching of content on return to school.
  • No assessments completed online.

A large proportion of students are visual learners, so access to programs such as dragon for dictation
of text would be a benefit to students with learning disabilities like dyslexia.
The subject is VCAL focussed and with less students coming from the western suburbs using it as a
VCE subject as the subjects study score is marked -down by between 4-7 marks.
For the subject to attract students with a higher academic focus that could go to university and
complete a Masters the study score needs to be rectified by making the exam a higher proportion of
the study score or having a defined text book to put all students on an even playing field.
Teachers of the subject be required to have an industry background of at least 8 years and a current
qualification with a recruitment process in place to attract new teachers with executive level salaries
to attract the passionate and dedicated chefs.
If the industry wants to be seen as a legitimate career path the diversity 

Some synopsis  to be added

Welcome visitor no : 23214 Registered participants:
Athol Wark * Belinda Clements * George Hill * Anthony Hoy * Gurpreet Singh *

Bernd Uber * Robert Ford * Dale Lyman * Daman Shrivastav * Deb Foreman *

Mahesh Dhakal * Frank Bohdan * George Hill * Martin Probst * Shayne Greenman *

Ev Griffin * Gurvinder Singh * James Crute * Jacqueline Bates * Jayson Smith *

Jeffrey Gear * Janet Monaghan * John Creegan * Julie Armstrong * Jason Wilkes *

Karen Doyle * Ken Yip * John Langford * Marcus Moore * Sarah Maric *

Mark Normoyle * Mark Clayton * Mark Yates * Mark Weatherley * Melinda Brown *

Murray Twaits * Nick Blackmore * Nicholas Cass * Paul Rifkin * Paul Schroder *

Paul Shay * Prakash Chand * Praveen Praveen * Renai Norman * Rhonda Andrews *

Richard Robinson * Sarah Maric * Scott Pickett * Stephen Tryon * Steven Mercer *

Suresh Vaidyanathan * Tom Milligan * Antony Rogalsky * Udo Eichelmann

Andrew Wisken * Stephen Lunn * Keith Jackson * Andrew Crispin

Registered Participants

Session 5:   One Hour


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